One Health Concept and Knowledge : Communication: Key Competency Skills


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2 lessons
Level : Beginner
วิทยากร : Dr. Pahurat Kongmuang, MD, PhD , Prof. Naowarat Cheeptham, PhD
วันที่เผยแพร่ : 29/01/2024

At the end of the course, participants should be able to

1.Understand and Articulate the Components of Communication: By the end of the lecture, participants will be able to list and describe the eight components of communication, including sources, message, channel, receiver, feedback, environment, context, and interference, as outlined in the presented material.

2.Identify and Apply the C's of Effective Communication: Participants will identify the C's of effective communication, including clarity, conciseness, concreteness, correctness, coherence, completeness, courtesy, consistency, and commitment, and demonstrate their use in creating a clear and credible message.

3.Recognize the Importance of Science Communication: Attendees will explain the importance of science communication in making science transparent, educating the public and decision-makers, and inspiring the next generations, as highlighted in the session.

4. Develop and Enhance Communication Skills for Scientific Contexts: Participants will practice and improve their communication skills by engaging in exercises that emphasize listening, empathy, non-verbal communication, and teamwork, with the intent to apply these skills in a scientific communication context.

At the end of the course, participants should be able to

1.Comprehend and Apply Communication Competence: Gain an understanding of communication competence and apply the SMCR model by Berio to enhance the clarity and effectiveness of message delivery in various contexts.

2.Identify and Address Communication Challenges: Identify common communication issues such as audience misalignment and improper messaging channels, and develop strategies to navigate the dynamic nature of information credibility.

3.Implement Risk Communication Strategies: Utilize practical communication skills for effective risk communication in public health events, drawing from real-life experiences and case studies of COVID-19 response efforts.

4.Evaluate Communication Effectiveness: Critically evaluate the outcomes of communication efforts during health crises, aiming to build trust and manage misinformation, with reference to the National Communication Association’s competencies.

