Small mistakes Big consequences: High Alert Drug and Adverse Drug Reaction
2 lessons
Level : Beginner
วิทยากร : อ. พญ.ขวัญศิริ นราจีนรณ
ภาควิชา : เวชศาสตร์ฉุกเฉิน
วันที่เผยแพร่ : 13/02/2023
At the end of the course, participants should be:
1. Aware of the importance of interprofessional collaboration by applying TeamSTEPPS to enhance medication safety without harm. HAD, ADR
2. Able to describe how to engage patients and families
3. Able to describe how to prevent prescribing, dispensing, and administrative errors and how to monitor and re-evaluate the patient
4. Able to describe and apply metacognition to monitor and regulate one's own emotions and situation biases during crise
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